Practicalities about Weddings
Congratulations! We are delighted to celebrate this special day with you through a joyful wedding ceremony.
We want everything to go right for you, so we will work through the checks we have to make and plan through your ceremony step by step.
To help you start to think through what you will need:
We need to check that you are entitled to be married, to be married in the UK and to be married in this particular church. So please be ready with your passport (other documents can be used if you don't have a passport), and if you don't live in the parish, to show your connection with the parish. If you have been married before, we will need to see your decree absolute.
You don't need to be baptised or confirmed or even be a regular church goer to be married in a church, although if neither of you live in the parish you may need a worshipping connection with us.
Jo, the Vicar will meet you to plan what you would like for your special day. Here are some things to start thinking about before your meeting:
Whether you would like an organist or pianist to play for you (there is a musician's fee if we arrange this)
Whether you would like hymns and if so, which ones (2 or 3 hymns are usual)
Will the bride's father 'give her away'?
What music you might like played while you sign the register?
Which Bible reading would you like? Who will read it?
What about other readings: poetry or prose? Who will read them for you?
Who will be your witnesses (you must have 2, but can have up to 6, though space on the marriage document is limited)
Would you like the bells to be rung? (We cannot guarantee that the bell ringers will be available, and there is a fee)
Will you have flowers? Who will do them for you?
Will you have a photographer? The vicar will have a chat to them before the service.
Confetti is lovely: but biodegradeable and outside the church, please! What about sparklers in the winter?
Yes, we have a sound system: please download your music onto your device in a playlist, in the order you want it played. Our system connects to most devices: it's a good idea to run a sound check at the rehearsal. Please remember to disable the device's locking system so it doesn't lock the operator out during the service.
If either or both of you lives outside the parish, banns must be called in your own parish church as well as in ours, for three Sundays before the wedding. You must arrange this and for a banns certificate to be sent to us before the wedding. You cannot be married without it!
We love it when engaged couples come to hear their banns called. We will pray for you of course. You and your family might find it moving to hear the banns, and it'll help you believe that this great event is really going to take place.
Do you need to get married urgently? There are special ways you can do this and we may be able to help. Contact Jo on
Wedding form
Here is the form which we will use to plan your wedding. The first half contains the legal requirements; the second the planning for the ceremony itself. You can use it to help you prepare the information we will need.